Confirmed Plenary Speakers


  • Pierre Bonami

    Pierre Bonami is currently working in IBM in the development of Cplex. He is also a researcher at Aix Marseille Univesité and permanent researcher in the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). His main research lines are the development of exact algorithms for Mixed Integer NonLinear Optimization and the study of efficient cuts for Mixed Integer Linear Optimization. He has developed two types of software which are available: Bonmin and CG1LandP, both available in COIN-OR and developed in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University.

    According to Scopus, he has published 37 documents with an h-index equal to 12 and 598 citations; according to Google Scholar, his h-index and number of citations raise to 20 and 1792, respectively. Among his publications, the contributions published in the journals Mathematical Programming (8), Mathematical Programming Computation (2), Discrete Optimization (2) and Operations Research (1) could be highlighted.
    He has supervised 1 PhD thesis.

  • Juan A. Cuesta Albertos

    Juan A. Cuesta Albertos is full professor at the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computation of the University of Cantabria. His main research lines are trimming procedures, random projections for high dimensional spaces, depth measures and probabilistic metrics. He has been co-editor of TEST for three years (2002-2004) and associated editor (1996-2001) for the same journal. From January 2017, he has been associated editor of the Journal of the American Statistical Association, one of the most prestigious journals in Statistics.

    According to Scopus, he has published 49 documents, with an h-index equal to 14 and 582 citations; according to Google Scholar, his h-index and number of citations raise to 23 and 1730, respectively. Among his publications, the contributions published in the journals Annals of Statistics (2), Annals of Probability (1), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series B (1), Journal of the American Statistical Association (2) and Journal of Theoretical Probability (2) could be highlighted.

    He has been the principal investigator of 9 public funded research projects and supervised 4 PhD thesis.

  • Ingrid Van Keilegom

    Ingrid Van Keilegom is full professor at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) and part-time full professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain. Her main research lines are nonparametric statistics, mathematical statistics, goodness-of-fit tests and survival analysis. She has been co-editor of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series B (2012-2015), one of the most recognised journals in Statistics nowadays, and associated editor of the following prestigious scientific journals, among others: Annals of Statistics (2007-2011), Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2004-2011), Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (2006-2011) and Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series B (2002-2006).

    According to Scopus, she has published 99 documents, with an h-index equal to 20 and 1261 citations in total; according to Google Scholar, her h-index and number of citations raise to 30 and 2978, respectively. Among these publications, her contributions in the journals Annals of Statistics (6), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series B (5), Journal of the American Statistical Association (2) and Bernouilli (7) could be highlighted.

    She has been the principal investigator in 8 public funded research projects. In particular, she has received an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for the period 2016-2021 (2,318,750 €) and a Starting grant, also from the ERC, for the period 2008-2014 (750,000 €). She has supervised 8 PhD thesis.

  • Rafael Martí

    Rafael Martí is full professor at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research of the University of Valencia. His main research lines are Mathematical Programming and the development of heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms. He has visited at Leeds School of Business University of Colorado (USA), Universidad Autónoma de México, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Molde University College (Norway), University of Graz (Austria), University of Bretagne Sud, Escuela Superior Politécnica (Ecuador) and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

    According to Scopus he has published 105 documents with an h index equal to 25 and 2486 citations; according to Google Scholar, his h-index and number of citations raise to 44 and 8192, respectively. Among his publications, the contributions published in the journals Computers and Operations Research (22), European Journal of Operational Research (15), INFORMS Journal on Computing (7), Journal of heuristics (6) and Control and Cybernetics (1) could be highlighted.

    He has been the principal investigator in 16 public funded research projects and 4 private funded research projects and secured an American patent. He has supervised 6 PhD thesis.