Anke Biekötter, Jorge de Blas, Adrián Carmona, Mikael Chala, Javier Fuentes Martín, Maria Ramos
Salon de Actos del Carmen de la Victoria, Cuesta del Chapiz, 9 (Granada) & Hotel Granada Center, Avenida de Fuente Nueva, s/n (Granada)
Congreso / Física teórica
Web: https://ftae.ugr.es/heft2022/
HEFT is an annual workshop focusing on the use of effective field theories to search for physics beyond the Standard Model. A broad range of topics are encouraged, ranging from collider phenomenology and formal aspects to the latest experimental updates on dedicated searches. The meeting aims to foster discussions between theorists and phenomenologists from varied backgrounds as well as with experimental colleagues. We would like to achieve a balance of senior and junior speakers, enhancing the visibility of younger scientists while keeping some overview talks. This year’s edition is organized by (and will be held in) the Dpto. Física Teórica y del Cosmos of the Universidad de Granada. The format of the event will be in-person only. The workshop will begin on June 15th morning and end after lunch on June 17th. There is a fee of 100€ for attending, which covers: conference room, coffee breaks, reception and conference dinner. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement and UGR Research and Knowledge Transfer Found – Athenea3i