Prof. María Luisa Pérez-Cañado

Looking back to move forward: A research-based wishlist for the future of bilingual education at early stages

At a time when Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is rife with tensions and negative connotations in many of the places where it originated, this talk will strive to provide an updated, research-based perspective of what’s hot and what’s not on the current CLIL research agenda, with a special emphasis on the early years and Primary Education. It will cast a glance back at the origins of bilingual education in the European continent in order to track the progress that has been made, determine where we currently stand, and map out future pathways for progression in the CLIL arena. A historical, empirically-driven overview of key issues affecting bilingual education will be offered in order to determine whether dwelling exclusively on the problematic side of CLIL is warranted or whether, on the contrary, a possibilistic outlook should be harbored on the current state of bilingual education for younger learners. Aspects such as diversity and inclusion, teacher training, the connection to EMI, the pluriliteracies approach, the nature of CLIL research, or the establishment of quality assurance frameworks will all be canvassed. The issues that should truly inform current debates on bilingual education will be made salient through a research-based wishlist that will hopefully allow the future of bilingual education to stay on track and advance unfettered into the next decade.