The 1st Spanish Young Statisticians and Operational Researchers Meeting (SYSORM) will take place in Granada in the 13th-15th of November 2017. The meeting, held under the auspice of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research (SEIO), is organised for and by young researchers (young: with less than three years of postdoctoral experience).
The scope of the meeting is to represent and give visibility to the newer generations of talented researchers in statistics and operations research, ranging from methodological to applied research topics, and to foster professional communication between them.
The meeting gathers four renowned plenaries, 30 invited speakers and allows for a limited number of contributed talks. Every participant is expected to submit an abstract of his/her talk in English and to give a presentation on his/her research field to a wide audience. There will not be parallel sessions and listeners will be allowed.
If you are a young researcher in statistics or operations research, then you have to be at SYSORM 2017. Either as a speaker or as an attendee, you will find this meeting as one of the conferences you will make the most of it, both scientifically and socially.
Conveniently, the IX Jornadas de Usuarios de R will be held in Granada on the 16th-17th of November, so this is a good opportunity to attend both meetings comfortably.
Looking forward to seeing you in Granada!
The Scientific and Organizing Committees
Contact e-mail: sysorm17@ugr.es