The International Conference “Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education” (ELLME2022) is a joint conference of the EECERA SIG “Multilingual Childhoods” and the AILA ELLReN (Early Language Learning Research Network), organised by the Department of Languages and Literature Education of the University of Granada. It aims to facilitate a forum of discussion for researchers and practitioners on language learning and multilingual education in the early years (0-12 years olds). It is planned in a hybrid format so that possibilities of physical and virtual participation will be offered, although we would love to see as many of you as possible in Granada. Here is a beautiful video of our city and of our academically acclaimed UGR
Important dates
- 30 June, 2021Launching CFP
- 15 November, 2021Deadline CFP (EXTENDED)
- 20 November, 2021Notification of acceptance
- 17 January, 2022Opening registration
- 17 March, 2022Deadline early-bird registration
- 30 April, 2022Closing registration
- 22 June, 2022Conference opening
- 24 June, 2022Conference closing
- 1 June, 2022Submission short chapters (PROCEEDINGS)
- 1 September, 2022Submission extended papers
Strands / Themes
Communications should deal with any of the following topics, either focusing on children from 0-6 or from 6-12, or both, and contextualised in any multilingual context (second language, foreign language, additional language, minority language, heritage language, sign language, etc.):
- Early language teaching and learning
- Early bilingual/multilingual education
- Multilingual identity and socialization in the early years
- Early biliteracies and multiliteracies
- Materials design and development in early language education
- Multimedia and multimodality for multilingual education
- Classroom practices in bilingual/multilingual education
- Methodological and ethical issues on multilingual research
- Teacher training on early language education
- Language policies for early years